
A helpdesk is a resource intended to provide the customer or internal user with information and support related to a company's processes, products and services. The purpose of a helpdesk is to provide a centralized resource to answer questions, troubleshoot problems and facilitate solutions to known problems.


Helpdesk (Ticketing System)

The time is now for it to be okay to be great. For being a bright color. For standing out.

Improve customer retention and brand image

A fit-for-purpose ticketing system, along with best-practice processes, helps organizations prevent major incidents from becoming a very public reality.

Direct entry by end user

Aka "self-service" where users can enter their issues directly into the ticketing system, and can also use this direct-access to see the progress and resolution of their issues without needing to call support.

Get better support, happier customers

By systematically capturing tickets and categorizing them correctly, a ticketing system allows for proper management of incidents leading to quicker resolution times.